As a female founder I bring a strong background in visual storytelling, creative strategy, and production. 

Though trained as an oil painter, then visual designer, my passion lies in human-computer interaction and product design. This broadly covers cognitive design, sensory perception, creative strategy and the principals of storytelling. In 2019 I began an international art experiment in personal narrative and poetry, under the name 6thouse, leading me to travel as a modern troupadour, globally comissioned to create custom artwork capitvating personal lore. 

Looking ahead, I am curious how my interdisciplinary skills will mix in with innovators who are pushing the boundaries human and machine interactions. As an artist, researcher and big thinker I hope to contribute to and organically deepen my knowledge in fields of health + wellness and education design for the next stage of the information era.
 Toy Frens NFT [Metaverse]
6thouse Tattoo [Global]
Softwear [Fashion]
An offering of ones body as extraneous clothing [Melbourne]
Beheading of a Tall Poppy [Berlin, Residency]
Liminal Conversations, Gertrude Street Projection Festival [Melbourne]

TOY FRENS NFT [Metaverse]

#blockchain #founder #photography #metaverse

Four free mint photography collections, following a three-hour sellout of a 666 NFT pfp promotion. 

Featuring prominent Australian Fashion photographers Byron Spencer, Luke Schuetrumpf, Darren Macdonald and Nicholas Garcia. 

Holders of the Toy Frens were able to mint each released collection, summounting to over 2600 one-of-one photography NFT’s created and produced from the project, more photographs than any four photographers would historically produce in their lifetime. What was created was arguably the first test case of it’s kind. A community model for the shared interest and vested experimentation of Etherium certified artworks. 

  1. Toy Frens (Opensea)
  2. Toy Factory Time Capsule

6THOUSE [Global]

#business #graphicdesign #tattoo #storytelling 

  1. @6thouse (Instagram)

Softwear [Wearable]

#fashion #philosophy

An offering of ones body as extraneous clothing 

#photography #textile #sculpture #fashion

Beheading of a Tall Poppy 

#residency #sculpture #berlin

Liminal Conversations 

#projectionmapping #publicart #festival #melbourne

Selected for the innaugual exhibition of Gertrude Street Projection Festival. A collaboration between Shannon May Powell, Louis Groupe and Marley Sheridan.x

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Test Board 08